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To create any work of art, every artist seeks inspiration. As an artist and craftsman, my hope is to create pieces that provide others with inspiration—inspiration to love God, to love others, and to finish the race faithfully. Much of my inspiration comes from my love for the various forms of artistic expression within Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. From the vibrant colors of Judaica, to the rich theological tradition of Christian iconography, to the exquisite nature of Arab calligraphy and geometric design, the Abrahamic religions provide an ancient well of beauty to draw from. Of course, no one is a better artist than God Himself. By using natural materials as my ‘canvas,’ my goal is to actually partner with the Creator to make works of art. All pieces are custom, one-of-a-kind creations. To place an order or to inquire about pricing, please fill out the contact form. Many blessings to you!

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